Thursday, December 20, 2007

Practice for Friday Quiz

Tomorrow we are going to have a quiz covering Dr. Rex and the Redrum. On the quiz, I'm going to give you far fewer steps in order for you to show your knowledge about making beats. I will include the steps that will be on the quiz in italics.
  1. Open Reason
  2. Make sure you have a Mixer 14:2
  3. Create a Dr. Rex
  4. Click on the "Folder" in the upper left hand corner.
  5. Select either Dr. Rex Instrument Loops or Music Loops.
  6. Choose a loop and then click "TO TRACK"
  7. On the quiz, steps 3-6 will say Create a Dr. Rex Instrument loop and put it TO TRACK.
  8. Now set your tempo to the same tempo as your loop.
  9. Create a Redrum.
  10. Change the Steps to 32.
  11. In Sound 1, load a clap and put it on boxes 5 and 13.
  12. Now toggle "EDIT STEPS" to 17-32
  13. Put the clap on boxes 5 and 13
  14. Toggle "EDIT STEPS" back to 1-16
  15. In Sound 2, load a bass drum and put it on 1 and a few other boxes that go with your loop.
  16. Now toggle "EDIT STEPS" to 17-32
  17. Put the bass drum on 1 and a few other boxes that go with the loop.
  18. Toggle "EDIT STEPS" back to 1-16
  19. In Sound 3, load a high hat and put it any boxes...make sure it goes with your loop.
  20. Now toggle "EDIT STEPS" to 17-32
  21. Click on boxes that go with your loop.
  22. Toggle "EDIT STEPS" back to 1-16
  23. In Sound 4, load either a percussion-hi or percussion-other and put it any boxes...make sure it goes with your loop.
  24. Now toggle "EDIT STEPS" to 17-32
  25. Click on boxes that go with your loop.
  26. Once you're happy with how your drums sound right click on the Redrum and select Copy Pattern To Track.
  27. Don't forget to click on the Pattern Button.
  28. Steps 9-27 will say Create a Redrum and make a 32 step pattern using a Clap, Bass Drum, Hi Hat, and Percussion.
  29. Now let's add a Dr. Rex Percussion Loop.
  30. Go to the Create menu and Create a Dr. Rex Loop Player.
  31. We need to load a loop, so click on the folder in the upper left hand corner of the loop player.
  32. Go to Reason Factory Sound Bank: Dr. Rex Percussion Loops: and select any of the folders: choose a loop.
  33. On The Dr. Rex, click "TO TRACK"
  34. Steps 29-33 will say Create a Dr. Rex Percussion Loop and put it TO Track
  35. Save your beat in your folder as whatever you want!

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