Thursday, January 24, 2008

Changing the Octave and Making 2 Patterns on The Matrix

Today we are going to play 'Snap Your Fingers' on the Matrix. We will be learning how to change the Octave on the Matrix and how to make two patterns.

After you create the melody, listen to the instrumental and recreate the drums.

  1. Open Reason
  2. Make sure you have a Mixer 14:2
  3. Set Tempo at 82 bpm
  4. Create a Malstrom
  5. On The Malstrom, click on the folder in the upper left hand corner.
  6. Go to Reason Factory Sound Bank: Malstrom Patches: Mono Synths: Chingy Lead.xwv
  7. We need a way to add the melody from Snap Yo Fingas, which is in C minor...Create a Matrix!
  8. On the Matrix, change the steps from 16 to 8.
  9. On the Matrix, move the Octave switch, on the left from the keyboard, from 3 to 4.
  10. Turn the Volume off on notes 4, 6, and 8.
  11. On Steps 1 and 2, click on the lowest note boxes to bring the notes up to the 4th Octave from the 3rd Octave.
  12. On Step 3, click on the 4th box up.
  13. On Steps 5 and 7, click on the 3rd box up.
  14. It should look like this.
  15. Now, move your Right loop point to R3.
  16. Right Click on the Matrix and select Copy Pattern To Track.
  17. Move the Right loop point to R5 and the Left loop point to L3.
  18. On the Matrix, Select Pattern 2.
  19. Move the Octave Switch from 4 to 5.
  20. On the Matrix, change the steps from 16 to 8.
  21. Repeat lesson steps 10-13.
  22. Right Click on the Matrix and Select Copy Pattern To Track.
  23. Move the Left loop point to L1.
  24. Click the Pattern Button on the Matrix.
  25. Now, listen to the instrumental.
  26. How many steps is the drum beat?
  27. What sounds are they using? A clap or a snap? What kind of Bass Drum? How about Percussion?
  28. What numbers do the sounds go on?
  29. Create a Redrum and recreate the beat from Snap Yo Fingas.
  30. When you have finished the beat, Copy Pattern To Track.
  31. Create a Dr. Rex.
  32. Click on the Folder and go to My Documents: Shared Files: Thursday, Jan 24th: SnapYoFingas
  33. On The Dr. Rex, click To Track...and "push play"
  34. Save your beat as Snap (your name)'s Fingers
  35. Send your beat to

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