Thursday, January 17, 2008

Crank That Coliseum

Yesterday we played the C minor scale, both up the scale and down the scale, using the Matrix.

Today we are going to recreate the Crank Dat Soulja Boy melody which is in C minor.

After we make the melody you will create your own melody using C minor.

  1. Open Reason
  2. Make sure you have a Mixer 14:2
  3. Set Tempo to 70 bpm
  4. Create a NN-XT Digital Sampler
  5. Click on the Folder in the upper left hand corner of the NN-XT.
  6. In the Patch Browser, click Orkester Sound Bank: Mallets: Glockenspiel.smp
  7. Now that we have our sound loaded we need to create a Matrix to play it.
  8. Go to the Create Menu and select the Matrix, all the way at the bottom of the menu.
  9. We want to use the Matrix to play a the melody from Crank That Soulja Boy.
  10. First, turn the volume down on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, and 16th steps.
  11. Now on step 1, move the note up 12 spots.
  12. On step 4, move the note up 7 spots.
  13. On step 7, move the note up 8 spots.
  14. On step 11, move the note up 12 spots.
  15. On step 14, move the note up 7 spots.
  16. When you are done it should look like this.
  17. How many notes have the volume on?
  18. How many different notes are there?
  19. Now, create a Redrum and make a 16 step drum pattern using a Clap, Bass Drum, Hi Hat, and Percussion. Make sure you put the sounds on appropriate boxes!
  20. Or instead of a Clap, try putting a Snap on 5 and 13 just like Soulja Boy.
  21. When you finish your Drum Beat, Copy Pattern To Track.
  22. Now we want to revisit the NN-XT and the Matrix.
  23. On the Matrix, change the pattern to PATTERN 2.
  24. Turn the volume down on all the steps.
  25. Create a melody with the notes from C minor, with the volume up on 5 of the steps in the Matrix, using between 3 and 5 different notes.
  26. When, you are done with your melody, right click on the Matrix and select Copy Pattern To Track.
  27. Click the Pattern button on the Matrix.
  28. Highlight all the boxes on the Matrix in the sequence window and drag them up to the NN-XT track.
  29. Save the beat as Crank That (your name)

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