Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Foriegner Remix pt. 2

Today we're going to continue with our remix. After you have put all your parts together, copy and paste your parts to 33 in the sequencer window and begin to make your sections (Intro, Chorus, Verse)

  1. Finish making all the parts for your remix based on the instructions from yesterday's assignment.
  2. Make sure all the parts are copied to track.
  3. Highlight all your parts and Copy and Paste them to 33.
  4. Work on your intro from 1-9, take out a part such as the Redrum.
  5. Work on your verse from 17-33, take out a part such as the melody to give space for a vocalist.
  6. Save your beat.
  7. Write a blog post about the similarities between Rock and your favorite type of music.

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